I rememer this day and the little bit of frost in the air just like it was yesterday rather than months ago at the end of September. Cathy + Jesse are one of my 2019 wedding couples (which PS I'M SO HELLA EXCITED FOR) and what I got to know of them during their shoot was a few things; firstly, they laugh- at everything including each other, secondly, Jesse makes a Carhart jacket look effortlessly cool and lastly, these two are meant for one another. I guess that in saying this, I mean that I was lucky enough to bare witness to the comfort they each bring one another.
Thank you both for making me laugh, for the friendship and dinner we had together after the shoot together, and for planning to funnest wedding. Press play and check out their Kananaskis river valley engagement session cause wowee the colors and people in the photos are unbelievable.
Thank you guys for the perfect fall afternoon, it was everything. Counting down the days until your wedding!
